We had a great Christmas getting lots of special treats and toys. We had a very quiet New Years Eve...going to bed well before mid-night so that we could get up very early on the 1st to head to Acton Agility's AAC Trial in Flamborough. I had a very good day running in Steeplechase, an Advanced Standard and an Advanced Jumpers. I had a couple of little errors in the first two runs but did really well in Advanced Jumpers and came away with my 1st Q of the year! My mom and dad were very happy with me...maybe there is hope for me ;)
Here is the video of my run (mom spent the whole course telling me "easy, easy" and didn't tell me where I was going in the end because she was afraid I would try and bounce the last two jumps):
What a way to start off 2009! I have been working very hard at being a good boy in agility. Our goal (Mom's and mine) is to qualify for Nationals this year. We work 2-3 times a week at the barn, work at least 3 nights a week at home and have been taking some private lessons with Susan Garrett. Wish me luck to keep my red border collie brain about me in the agility ring this year :)
On to another sport...right after the new year my Mom was looking on ebay and found us the most coolest present EVER!! She bought us a dog sled! Can you imagine? It arrived just 2 days later and Mom ordered us our new harnesses from Quebec which arrived the week later. Last weekend my Mom, my Aunt Franca and my Aunt Sue (they are TNT mom's too) took us all out for our first time sledding together. We had a complete blast. The next day my Dad, Mom, Rip and I went out again. Here is a pic mom took of Ripley and I pulling Dad :) Don't we look like pro's already? We run right to Mom and then stop ;) For some reason they want us to go past but I just don't get it.
Man is it ever hard work pulling our human's around...it was FUN to roll in the snow and make snow-dog-angels :) Plus the snow was very tasty!
We headed out again today for another day of sledding. We are really starting to get the idea and work as a team...we can pull Dad really fast :) It was snowing like crazy so Dad had to keep his eyes closed ;) lol.
Mom was taking all the pictures but Dad called her a chicken when he asked if she wanted to take a ride and she said no. Of course she couldn't allow him to call her a chicken so she hoped on! She actually loves it but thought Dad would be jealous if she always did the sledding ;)