Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm a Flyball Dog!! Really, I am!!!

This past weekend we headed across the border to Betavia, NY for my first official NAFA flyball tournament! My mom was suppose to run my mother TNT Rio and I was scheduled to do warm ups on 2 teams. I had the best time ever.

TNT Baxter - keeping that ball secure :)

On Saturday we started with just doing box turns and 1 run back for the first race. I did a pretty good job so in the next race, we moved back and did 1 jump, then 2 jumps before my time was up. Waiting to go in is the hardest part (or so I thought at the time) because I really want to get in there and play so I bark as loud as I can and jump up and down. So far it has worked, I do this "popcorn" jumping/barking as my mom calls it and then we get to go in and play, woohoo!

My "popcorn" jumping/barking with mom

By the final race of the day, my mom and I had moved up to the full 4 jumps. I did an amazing job and completed my first ever full run at a competition. Our team captain said that they were going to let me run a race if I did the full run and still had a nice box turn. I did the best I could and got the call to play!! Man was I ever excited. I couldn't believe it when I had to watch all the other dogs run the line (I thought I did that only!...told you there was something harder to wait for) So when it was my turn I was all concentration. My mom was saying "get your ball" and then off I went. I was over the first two jumps and just starting over the third and I am pretty sure I heard my name being called (mom doesn't remember calling me early but it shows that it wasn't my fault on the video tape). I turned to see what she wanted and what did I see but another red & white BC like me in the other lane. I thought I would go say hi, maybe that was the box I was suppose to go to as well. I guess that was a bad thing because I got yelled at and then didn't get to play again :(

On Sunday, Pam and my mom decided to try again. This time they waited for the other lane to finish before they let me go. It turned out that on 2 of the races the other team had to send another dog at the same time and I didn't even look over there (so makes me think I was right about mom calling me by mistake) It turns out I helped my team win 2 of the 3 heats! Pretty good for a rookie dog, don't you think? So in the end, I ran 6 full runs and came away with enough points to earn my Flyball Dog (FD) Title!! (I told you I was a flyball dog!)

TNT Baxter, FD

Mom is saying that we are taking a month off from flyball until after Ontario Regionals, man am I going to miss it :) Till June....

p.s. Thank you Len from TTL Photography for the great pictures of Baxter above!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Way to go Baxter!