Mom put the others in their crates and put my leash on me! hmmm, maybe no breaky isn't so bad if I get to go with Mom and I saw her pack mine in a baggy :) woohoo, roadtrip!
So of course I was thinking we were going to agility but imagine my surprise when we get to the hall and we go agility equipment! There are some funny looking small jumps that I have seen the odd time we go to Ottawa and visit Grandma Tiff & Pam and my mom Rio and then go to their flyball practice. Could we be going to flyball practice?!?
Yes, that is exactly what it was. I heard my mom talking to the trainer about coming EVERY Wednesday morning to learn flyball. I was a superstar though and did a great job. We first worked on recall where Morgan (the trainer) held me by my back end and Mom was a bit away from me teasing me with my tuggy. They were both yelling "Ready, on your marks, get set, go" and then my Mom was running down the lane holding my tuggy between the jumps. I totally got it (I have done it before a few times) so I flew down the lane after my tuggy. We did a bunch of those until both Mom and I couldn't breath :) and then we did some turns on a board. I am awesome at those too because it is like when I jump back onto the A-frame contact :) We then did ball work and then they stuck the ball on the board. I actually did a turn, grabbed the ball and flew back for my tug. Morgan and Mom seemed very pleased with me and I had a BLAST!
Last night Mom told me that I am going to get to do warm-ups (which is like the recall today) at a flyball tournament next weekend! Grandma Tiff's & Pam's flyball team has asked us to join! My mom Rio, Auntie Piper, sister Brie, 1/2 sister Flare (Ripley's mom) and nephew Smash (Ripley's brother) play on the team. Wow, things sure do happen fast. I will let you know how that goes.