Man am I ever tired! I didn't get much sleep last night. It all started 2 nights ago when my mom put us in our crates for the night. For some reason, I just don't want to be in my crate. I have always been such a good boy who has loved sleeping on his back in his crate at night. But I have just decided that I need to be with my mom on the bed! So two nights ago I screamed my head off about 2 minutes after she closed the door. She came right back down and let us all out thinking maybe we needed to go outside...silly mom. So I just ran to the gate leading up to the bedroom :) She let us all outside again, we all came in and got another cookie to go back in our crates, hehe. I gave her about 2 minutes again to get upstairs when I started to scream again (and trust me, I can scream!) She came down and let me out and up to bed we went!! Score!
So we had a nice night sleeping together, I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. The problem is, she seemed to have caught on and last night she just ignored my screams! She came the first time and told me to lay down and be quiet, so I did. I must have dosed so when I woke again an hour later, I tried again! Scream, scream, scream!! She came down again and just told me to lay down. I tried it every hour and still, no luck. hmmmm...what should I do tonight. I will let you know what I decide :)

Even though I made everyone tired, we headed out for our huge Saturday walk to the park to play frisbee. We walked for about an hour and then headed for the ball diamond where they throw me my disc. My brother Rip came along too but he won't try to catch the disc unless my mom is holding me or feeding me, he knows better. He is kind of a pain though because he herds me and gets in my way running to the disc. I caught tons of them and let Rip catch a few. We were both so tired that we headed home. I think I will head to my favorite spot for a sleep :)
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