Friday, January 25, 2008

Fun with Dante

Last Sunday my mom and I got the opportunity to do a private agility lesson with Dante Camacho, a Brazilian Agility Team Member. We shared the 2hrs with my doggie friend Peso and his mom Andrea. My mom learned to use a different method of handling that actually works for me better, I can now see when she wants me to turn into her rather than keep on running (which is my favorite thing to do, lol) Dante even took over and did some jump work with me.

Here is me with my mom:

This is me with Dante:

Tomorrow we are off to Guelph for an AAC agility trial. My mom keeps saying she entered me in the Advanced Snooker class and that she hopes I get more than 2 obstacles before we get blown rude! What a stupid game it is anyway. She says we have to play it go get a Q someday :( I am also in an Advanced Jumpers and an Advanced Standard. I will update my blog on Sunday to let you know how it went. My sister Abbey is doing a Master Standard (she only needs 1 more for her Masters Dog of Canada Title, so we all have our paws crossed for her) and a Masters Gamble.

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