I had a blast yesterday at the Acton Agility trial! I started my day off with a Masters Gamble course (even though Mom said I would never do a gamble except for Regionals/Nationals) She said it was only because there was a way to run a course, get me on all the contacts and test my weave entry. I was a pretty good boy, held my start line, kept almost all the jumps up, nailed all my contacts and my weave entry! I ended up in 2nd place (because we didn't try for the mini's I would have for sure got) and with a Q. Mom was very proud of me and I got tons of compliments on how good I was :)
Masters Gamble run:
My next course was the Advanced Standard. I kept my start line again, but I had a bar down on the first line when Mom rear crossed and told me tunnel. There was such a long line from the tunnel to the frame that I was flying and missed my frame contact! :( woops!! Then there was the real wobbly table that I just didn't want to lay down or stay on. I really wanted to go to the weaves. I finished off pretty good with a great weave entry and a nice dogwalk contact. Overall Mom was thrilled with my course as she said this was a huge step in the right direction.
Advanced Standard run:
My Mom then added me FEO to the 2 Masters Standard runs. It was mostly a training opportunity for us as Mom worked my contacts etc. I had a couple of bars but had one really nice weave entry :)
My final run of the day was Advanced Jumpers. Mom lost her mind and forgot to front cross so sent me into the wrong tunnel :( I then knocked a bar down on a rear cross (is there a pattern here?!) but finished off really nicely. Andrea video taped all my runs for the day (THANKS Auntie Andrea!!) but stopped the jumpers in the middle. Here is the second half of the run that was the nicest ;)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The TEST.....
So Mom has been talking to me a lot this week about this coming Friday, calling it the "test"! We are signed up for an Advanced Standard and an Advanced Jumpers course at Acton's AAC Trial this Friday...I can't wait. Mom and I have been working very hard these days on my weave entries, jumping, contacts, and handling. She has been making me do serps, threadles, 180's, 270's and push through's and I have to say that I am getting pretty good at them. Mom and Andrea even set up the FCI Large Dog Agility course last night and I did pretty darn good. My weave entries were awesome, I kept the jumps up for the most part and had good contacts. I needed some help with the 270 and the push through but after breaking it down, I really did well. I will let you know how it goes when we get back :) Wish me luck at keeping my brain....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy Birthday to me....
Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 3 years old. Mom came home from work with a special treat just for me from Timmy's :) It was this most amazing Pumpkin Spice muffin. Can you imagine my surprise when she said to get up on the chair for my birthday muffin? Up I jumped (that was easy by the way and I think it may be a fun place to get food from in future...put that in my memory bank ;)) The worst part is she put this flashing badge on me and they made me sit there while my muffin was about to burn (not sure what that was about). Mom decided to blow out the candle and then Dad took the muffin away!?! Can you imagine? I thought that was a very cruel joke.
But then he came back to the table with the muffin on the plate. You can just imagine my eyes when they sat it in front of me and said that I could eat it. I didn't even need to share it with my doggie siblings!! (Ripley was in his crate barking his head off, hehehe)
Man was that the yummiest treat EVER! I didn't want to take a chance on having to share even a crumb so I ate it all in one bite :) Aren't you impressed that I could do that?!
Mom says she is sad that I am getting older and how the time flies but all I can think of is...I can't wait to turn 4, hehehe. Wonder what I will get next year, you know all I can ever think of is my stomach :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Bootcamp Week 4 update
Let me tell you, bootcamp is VERY hard work for a border collie! The weekend after the last update we headed to Spot On for a 1 day agility trial. My Mom decided to get there 45 minutes early to work with me on my bed and at a practice jump. She made me drive to my bed that was beside the ring, what a fun game! I really liked this game from the start and won’t leave without my new awesome release word “break”. We also worked on the 1 jump there. I was holding my stays, turning tight to her, extending and doing nice rear crosses. She was very happy with me and kept giving me kisses (how embarrassing!)
A bunch of people started arriving so Mom kept working with me on my bed and with stays. Mom got lots of questions about my bed and why I needed to be on such a small bed (didn’t I tell you it was small). It seems that once she explained the people no longer felt sorry for me :( Andrea and Arlene arrived at the site and came over to see me, I just love both of them! They seemed impressed at how well I was doing and gave me nice pets.
I got to run in Advanced Jumpers (I did great only knocking 1 bar down! but going off course because of Mom), Steeplechase (Both Mom and I were idiots on this one and I knocked 4 bars down, Mom wasn’t too happy about that), Masters Standard FEO (Mom worked my stay and contacts, leaving the ring very happy with me) and then Advanced Standard (Mom was thrilled! I held my start line, got all my contacts, missed the weaves though and had only 1 bar down!! but rocked the serp) We ended the day very happy with my progress and went home to relax with the other dogs and my Dad.
The next morning we headed east to Mont Tremblant Quebec. The cottage was really nice but was on a major road so we didn’t get alot of off-leash time. We got to swim each day off the dock though and I just LOVED that. I didn’t even bark once, just jumped in and went for the toy. I kept getting to the toy before Ripley so I was in doggie-heaven! I sure taught that little brat a lesson on who is boss. We got to go into Mont Tremblant the one day for a nice hike with Mom and Dad. We were walking on this trail when out popped 2 deer! I couldn’t believe my eyes, these guys were huge, one with big antlers!! A little way’s down from there was a house and just then I noticed this cat walking on their driveway. Man, I would have loved to chase that cat but Mom had my snoot loop on so I couldn’t go anywhere. Well guess what…those deer, they did it for me! They started jogging towards the cat and between them they tried to corner it! Can you imagine? They were my heros!!!!
After the week in Quebec we headed to Grandma Tiff’s place for a weekend of agility at the Ottawa Valley Border Collie Club/All Dog’s Sept trial. I was entered in lots of runs. My first one was Advanced Standard. Mom and Dad said they were so proud of me because I stayed at the start line while she lead out 3 obstacles to the teeter. I knocked the first bar down so Mom decided she would train in the ring. She made sure that I stayed on the all the contacts no matter what till she released me. I missed the weave entry but did them the next time. Our next course was Advanced Snooker. I guess Mom was expecting a lot but I just hate that game. I decided to make my own course so I only got to jump 3 jump and then took the tunnel, off we went :( Then we had Advanced Standard 2. I knocked another bar again but only the 1. I entered the weave poles (Mom was shocked and thrilled) My contacts were great so overall Mom was happy. The last course of the day was Advanced Jumpers. Mom lead out so far but I stayed put and waited for my release word. She was “thrilled” (her words) with my performance. She said it was such a hard course and I only knocked 1 bar down but did a threadle, serp and she said the bar was her fault because she was a bit late getting to her front cross spot. I was smoking fast and was only 0.2 seconds slower than the dog that won the class and from what I hear, that dog has tighter turns that I do. Wait until I get my turning under control….
The next day I had Masters Gamble. Man was that ever FUN! I had a smoking hot opening, nailing my contacts, getting both mini’s, doing the 4 point twice but sadly didn’t get the closing which included the weave poles. The last run was Steeplechase but after my Gamble run I was a bit spun out and didn’t listen to Mom at all :( She made me even lay down in the middle of the course which she hasn’t done in soo long. Oh well, overall she said I rocked. I didn’t bark once the whole weekend at ringside and again had lots of people enquire about my new bed.
Well that was the last of our agility trials for 2008. We are now onto training only for the rest of the year heading to Say Yes another few times. Last weekend we went to a training seminar with Tracy Sklenar (a teacher at Say Yes) who put on a 2x2 weave clinic. She gave Mom a few pointers on what to do to re-train the weaves for me so that is where our bootcamp has led us now. We are going to be working steady for 2 weeks on weaves to see if I can learn to find the entry and get it everytime. I am not sure if this will work but both Mom and I are going to try. You know, I am a RED dog!!!
I will keep you updated on the bootcamp status. Till next time….
Licks, B
A bunch of people started arriving so Mom kept working with me on my bed and with stays. Mom got lots of questions about my bed and why I needed to be on such a small bed (didn’t I tell you it was small). It seems that once she explained the people no longer felt sorry for me :( Andrea and Arlene arrived at the site and came over to see me, I just love both of them! They seemed impressed at how well I was doing and gave me nice pets.
I got to run in Advanced Jumpers (I did great only knocking 1 bar down! but going off course because of Mom), Steeplechase (Both Mom and I were idiots on this one and I knocked 4 bars down, Mom wasn’t too happy about that), Masters Standard FEO (Mom worked my stay and contacts, leaving the ring very happy with me) and then Advanced Standard (Mom was thrilled! I held my start line, got all my contacts, missed the weaves though and had only 1 bar down!! but rocked the serp) We ended the day very happy with my progress and went home to relax with the other dogs and my Dad.
The next morning we headed east to Mont Tremblant Quebec. The cottage was really nice but was on a major road so we didn’t get alot of off-leash time. We got to swim each day off the dock though and I just LOVED that. I didn’t even bark once, just jumped in and went for the toy. I kept getting to the toy before Ripley so I was in doggie-heaven! I sure taught that little brat a lesson on who is boss. We got to go into Mont Tremblant the one day for a nice hike with Mom and Dad. We were walking on this trail when out popped 2 deer! I couldn’t believe my eyes, these guys were huge, one with big antlers!! A little way’s down from there was a house and just then I noticed this cat walking on their driveway. Man, I would have loved to chase that cat but Mom had my snoot loop on so I couldn’t go anywhere. Well guess what…those deer, they did it for me! They started jogging towards the cat and between them they tried to corner it! Can you imagine? They were my heros!!!!
After the week in Quebec we headed to Grandma Tiff’s place for a weekend of agility at the Ottawa Valley Border Collie Club/All Dog’s Sept trial. I was entered in lots of runs. My first one was Advanced Standard. Mom and Dad said they were so proud of me because I stayed at the start line while she lead out 3 obstacles to the teeter. I knocked the first bar down so Mom decided she would train in the ring. She made sure that I stayed on the all the contacts no matter what till she released me. I missed the weave entry but did them the next time. Our next course was Advanced Snooker. I guess Mom was expecting a lot but I just hate that game. I decided to make my own course so I only got to jump 3 jump and then took the tunnel, off we went :( Then we had Advanced Standard 2. I knocked another bar again but only the 1. I entered the weave poles (Mom was shocked and thrilled) My contacts were great so overall Mom was happy. The last course of the day was Advanced Jumpers. Mom lead out so far but I stayed put and waited for my release word. She was “thrilled” (her words) with my performance. She said it was such a hard course and I only knocked 1 bar down but did a threadle, serp and she said the bar was her fault because she was a bit late getting to her front cross spot. I was smoking fast and was only 0.2 seconds slower than the dog that won the class and from what I hear, that dog has tighter turns that I do. Wait until I get my turning under control….
The next day I had Masters Gamble. Man was that ever FUN! I had a smoking hot opening, nailing my contacts, getting both mini’s, doing the 4 point twice but sadly didn’t get the closing which included the weave poles. The last run was Steeplechase but after my Gamble run I was a bit spun out and didn’t listen to Mom at all :( She made me even lay down in the middle of the course which she hasn’t done in soo long. Oh well, overall she said I rocked. I didn’t bark once the whole weekend at ringside and again had lots of people enquire about my new bed.
Well that was the last of our agility trials for 2008. We are now onto training only for the rest of the year heading to Say Yes another few times. Last weekend we went to a training seminar with Tracy Sklenar (a teacher at Say Yes) who put on a 2x2 weave clinic. She gave Mom a few pointers on what to do to re-train the weaves for me so that is where our bootcamp has led us now. We are going to be working steady for 2 weeks on weaves to see if I can learn to find the entry and get it everytime. I am not sure if this will work but both Mom and I are going to try. You know, I am a RED dog!!!
I will keep you updated on the bootcamp status. Till next time….
Licks, B
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Boot Camp?!?!
So it has been a looong time since I wrote but in my defense, it has been a very busy summer. After Regionals, mom decided to take some time off of agility for me. She thought that we needed a break from trialing and concentrate more on skills. We also spent a bunch of the summer doing disc dog where I was quite successful getting my Advanced Disc Dog (ADD) Title and my Disc Dog Champion (DDCh) Title! I even had some top placements in some Skyhoundz trials so my dad was very happy with me. I also started to learn the art of dock diving and have actually taken a few dives from the dock! So needless to say, the summer went fast and I am excited about this fall.
So you might ask, what is this "Boot Camp" about?? Well let me tell you a story...
Two weeks ago Mom and I packed our bags (mine with lots of food and toys, hers boring clothes) and headed to Alberton ON to participate in Susan Garrett's Masters Handling seminar. Mom was worried I wouldn't do well so we also let Abbey tag along (she was going to run her instead of me if I was bad...how rude!!).
We got there on Friday and once we were settled in our tent, Mom went off to hear about the rules of the weekend. It turns out that Susan's agility field is right beside this awesome pond and the rule was, if your dog went swimming without you telling him/her to, then the human had to go in and get their dog!! Mom was not chancing my bad terrier sister going in and having to get her in her clothes so I became number 1 dog!! :) SWEET.
It turns out that Susan thinks I am a great dog, too bad about the handler (isn't that a title of someone's video, hehehe). Actually Mom was very good and listened to everything she could learn over the weekend and we had a BLAST! I got to do so many runs and I really tried hard to understand these new rules...like where my mom is, is where I am going. Imagine, that seems so simple but I still have a slight hard time not running off and taking the jumps ;) I overheard Susan tell Mom 4 things over and over....don't let him flank you....get the Crates Games video....do the 1 Jump video....circle work, circle work.
So this is where Boot Camp begins. We came home and right away Mom went out and bought me this tiny little cot/bed. Doesn't she realize the size of me?! But she saw how Susan's dogs & students dogs would sit and be good while the dogs run that now she thinks that would be good for me! The only great thing about this bed is that I get the BEST treats when I am on it. I actually love running and laying down on it.
She also dug up her Crate Games and 1 Jump videos and has spent the week going through them and writing down her training plan! We have so far worked on steps 1 to 3 in Crate Games and I am very good about sitting and waiting for the crate to open and like my bed, LOVE going back in for the BEST treats!! (Boot Camp doesn't sound too bad, does it?! lol) I am starting to learn the rules on the 1 jump and love working all this time with mom.
We are also working every day on circle work where I have to stay by my Mom's side whether she is running or walking. The good part is that I get LOTS of treats but the bad part is I have to wear a Snoot Loop (those suck!!) Mom even takes me for a long walk each day on the Snoot Loop and feeds me my dinner. Lots of people have commented on how well behaved I am and even Grandma Tiff came to stay one night this week and she was saying how much calmer I seem. Well what is a dog to do when they are bone tired from all this work?!?!
Well I will let you know how boot camp is going....next week we are in Quebec at a cottage. I heard Mom say she was bringing a jump so I guess there is no rest for a BC.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Ontario Regionals here we come.....
I know...it has been a long time since I posted but it is hard to get on this computer these days. We have been very busy dogs so mom is either blogging, updating websites or else Abbey is hogging the computer! Yes, she is now a blogger too! See if I ever show her anything again and she is really trying to out-do me too.
So this weekend is the Ontario Regional Championships and I am going! woofhoo! Mom keeps asking me if I can at least get the gambles and no off courses...what the heck kind of attitude is that? I only try and get her money's worth out of the runs and she wants me to do less obstacles?! Ohh, I guess I can try but no promises. I will let you know how I do. There are 58 dogs in my class so lets hope that I can keep my brains and not come in 58th ;)
Alot has happened since I last posted. Mom, Andrea, Peso, Abbey and I went to Acton Agility a few weeks back and I rocked. I got both Masters Gamble Q's and really listened to mom. Abbey rocked too getting her 2nd Master Gamble Q.
Last weekend we went to Spot On's trial and I did great (or so mom says). I didn't get any Q's but I also didn't have any off courses (mom was thrilled) and even got most of my weave entries! I have been going to the chiropractor for the past month (Dr Helen Tandy...my new best friend) and I am feeling much better...I am able to get my big body into the weaves again. Abbey also had a great weekend, she came away with her final Masters Gamble Q to earn her MGDC title and she got her 2nd Masters Team Q. She is only 1 Q away from her ATChC.
Hey...why am I talking about her, she has her own blog! If you want to check it out (but I don't recommend it...she is just sitting here with her teeth showing making me type this) it is at www.agilitywirefoxterrier.blogspot.com
Well I think we are almost packed for our weekend adventure. I think mom is taking her laptop so I might post each day.
So this weekend is the Ontario Regional Championships and I am going! woofhoo! Mom keeps asking me if I can at least get the gambles and no off courses...what the heck kind of attitude is that? I only try and get her money's worth out of the runs and she wants me to do less obstacles?! Ohh, I guess I can try but no promises. I will let you know how I do. There are 58 dogs in my class so lets hope that I can keep my brains and not come in 58th ;)
Alot has happened since I last posted. Mom, Andrea, Peso, Abbey and I went to Acton Agility a few weeks back and I rocked. I got both Masters Gamble Q's and really listened to mom. Abbey rocked too getting her 2nd Master Gamble Q.
Last weekend we went to Spot On's trial and I did great (or so mom says). I didn't get any Q's but I also didn't have any off courses (mom was thrilled) and even got most of my weave entries! I have been going to the chiropractor for the past month (Dr Helen Tandy...my new best friend) and I am feeling much better...I am able to get my big body into the weaves again. Abbey also had a great weekend, she came away with her final Masters Gamble Q to earn her MGDC title and she got her 2nd Masters Team Q. She is only 1 Q away from her ATChC.
Hey...why am I talking about her, she has her own blog! If you want to check it out (but I don't recommend it...she is just sitting here with her teeth showing making me type this) it is at www.agilitywirefoxterrier.blogspot.com
Well I think we are almost packed for our weekend adventure. I think mom is taking her laptop so I might post each day.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm a Flyball Dog!! Really, I am!!!
This past weekend we headed across the border to Betavia, NY for my first official NAFA flyball tournament! My mom was suppose to run my mother TNT Rio and I was scheduled to do warm ups on 2 teams. I had the best time ever.
On Saturday we started with just doing box turns and 1 run back for the first race. I did a pretty good job so in the next race, we moved back and did 1 jump, then 2 jumps before my time was up. Waiting to go in is the hardest part (or so I thought at the time) because I really want to get in there and play so I bark as loud as I can and jump up and down. So far it has worked, I do this "popcorn" jumping/barking as my mom calls it and then we get to go in and play, woohoo!
By the final race of the day, my mom and I had moved up to the full 4 jumps. I did an amazing job and completed my first ever full run at a competition. Our team captain said that they were going to let me run a race if I did the full run and still had a nice box turn. I did the best I could and got the call to play!! Man was I ever excited. I couldn't believe it when I had to watch all the other dogs run the line (I thought I did that only!...told you there was something harder to wait for) So when it was my turn I was all concentration. My mom was saying "get your ball" and then off I went. I was over the first two jumps and just starting over the third and I am pretty sure I heard my name being called (mom doesn't remember calling me early but it shows that it wasn't my fault on the video tape). I turned to see what she wanted and what did I see but another red & white BC like me in the other lane. I thought I would go say hi, maybe that was the box I was suppose to go to as well. I guess that was a bad thing because I got yelled at and then didn't get to play again :(
On Sunday, Pam and my mom decided to try again. This time they waited for the other lane to finish before they let me go. It turned out that on 2 of the races the other team had to send another dog at the same time and I didn't even look over there (so makes me think I was right about mom calling me by mistake) It turns out I helped my team win 2 of the 3 heats! Pretty good for a rookie dog, don't you think? So in the end, I ran 6 full runs and came away with enough points to earn my Flyball Dog (FD) Title!! (I told you I was a flyball dog!)
Mom is saying that we are taking a month off from flyball until after Ontario Regionals, man am I going to miss it :) Till June....
p.s. Thank you Len from TTL Photography for the great pictures of Baxter above!!
On Saturday we started with just doing box turns and 1 run back for the first race. I did a pretty good job so in the next race, we moved back and did 1 jump, then 2 jumps before my time was up. Waiting to go in is the hardest part (or so I thought at the time) because I really want to get in there and play so I bark as loud as I can and jump up and down. So far it has worked, I do this "popcorn" jumping/barking as my mom calls it and then we get to go in and play, woohoo!
By the final race of the day, my mom and I had moved up to the full 4 jumps. I did an amazing job and completed my first ever full run at a competition. Our team captain said that they were going to let me run a race if I did the full run and still had a nice box turn. I did the best I could and got the call to play!! Man was I ever excited. I couldn't believe it when I had to watch all the other dogs run the line (I thought I did that only!...told you there was something harder to wait for) So when it was my turn I was all concentration. My mom was saying "get your ball" and then off I went. I was over the first two jumps and just starting over the third and I am pretty sure I heard my name being called (mom doesn't remember calling me early but it shows that it wasn't my fault on the video tape). I turned to see what she wanted and what did I see but another red & white BC like me in the other lane. I thought I would go say hi, maybe that was the box I was suppose to go to as well. I guess that was a bad thing because I got yelled at and then didn't get to play again :(
On Sunday, Pam and my mom decided to try again. This time they waited for the other lane to finish before they let me go. It turned out that on 2 of the races the other team had to send another dog at the same time and I didn't even look over there (so makes me think I was right about mom calling me by mistake) It turns out I helped my team win 2 of the 3 heats! Pretty good for a rookie dog, don't you think? So in the end, I ran 6 full runs and came away with enough points to earn my Flyball Dog (FD) Title!! (I told you I was a flyball dog!)
Mom is saying that we are taking a month off from flyball until after Ontario Regionals, man am I going to miss it :) Till June....
p.s. Thank you Len from TTL Photography for the great pictures of Baxter above!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Touch N Go Flyball Seminar
My mom and I headed to Ottawa, Ontario last weekend for a flyball seminar put on by my flyball team Burnin' Rubber. We were lucky enough to have the 4 Touch N Go Handlers that broke the world record with a 15.210 come to Canada to teach us their flyball training methods.
Both my mom and I had a great time and really learned lots. She said she would recommend anyone that can do a TNG seminar to go, they were really great ladies with tons of great training ideas. I was a very good boy (aren't I always) and did my very best over the weekend. I even ran my first ever full run! and had a time of 4.9 which for a newbie I think is pretty good. They gave me a nice report telling my mom to take it slow and that I will be a good flyball dog :)
Here is a video of me doing run backs, do I look fast? I like driving for my tug toy.
Here is a video of me doing the box turn. My mom says this is a good turn as I do not reposition my feet and don't smush my face into the box :)
After a long day at flyball, it was nice to get back to the hotel and relax.

Next weekend I get to go to my 2nd flyball tournament. My mom is running Rio and I get to be on 2 teams for warm ups...I can't wait!!
Both my mom and I had a great time and really learned lots. She said she would recommend anyone that can do a TNG seminar to go, they were really great ladies with tons of great training ideas. I was a very good boy (aren't I always) and did my very best over the weekend. I even ran my first ever full run! and had a time of 4.9 which for a newbie I think is pretty good. They gave me a nice report telling my mom to take it slow and that I will be a good flyball dog :)
Here is a video of me doing run backs, do I look fast? I like driving for my tug toy.
Here is a video of me doing the box turn. My mom says this is a good turn as I do not reposition my feet and don't smush my face into the box :)
After a long day at flyball, it was nice to get back to the hotel and relax.
Next weekend I get to go to my 2nd flyball tournament. My mom is running Rio and I get to be on 2 teams for warm ups...I can't wait!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Abbey's gone MAD! and is on countdown!!
I know, it has been a long time since I have posted but I am one very busy red border collie!
This past weekend my mom and Abbey left without me to the Acton Agility trial! Can you imagine? On Sat night they came home with a very big ribbon...Abbey finally got her final Masters Standard Q to earn her Masters Agility Dog of Canada (MADC) title. She is now only 4 Q's away from her Trial Champion title and mom seems very excited about that.
On Sunday we all got to go to the trial. I got to play in the Steeplechase, Team and Standard. I had an off course in Steeplechase to keep me out of a Q but I had 2 great contacts and even got the weave entry! I was a butt head again in the Team but what did mom and Andrea expect when they make me stand in a little box while Peso gets to play MY game!? I was lunging back and forth and almost got out of the box while my mom was trying to hold me. When Peso was done, I tried to run over to see them. Both Andrea and mom flipped out and yelled at me! So then I realized it was my turn but I just didn't jump high enough and took the first jump down, then I couldn't wait at the bottom of the frame and went off course :( Sorry Peso! However, on the final run my mom was thrilled with me. I did have a bar down and missed the weave entry but I nailed all my contacts and even stayed for a sec on the start line and listened to her. I love when she is happy...I got tons of belly rubs for that run :)
Morningstar Agility Trial
A few weeks ago we headed to an 3 day weekend of agility in Kingston. It was really cool because it was just my mom, Andrea, Peso, Abbey and I. The first day was all gambles, I did pretty good in the gambles but unfortunately didn't get any Q's. Abbey however did get her first Masters Gamble Q! On Saturday I was still on a high from getting to run gambles that I just couldn't understand why mom wanted me to do the course the way she wanted :( She was very disappointed with me because I let down our teammates Peso and Andrea. Sunday was a much better day for me because mom decided to just work on my start line (I have a hard time staying there when she walks away) so I decided to behave and we had a better day. Abbey got a Masters Team Q and Peso got his final Masters Jumper Q for his Masters Jumper of Canada Title
This past weekend my mom and Abbey left without me to the Acton Agility trial! Can you imagine? On Sat night they came home with a very big ribbon...Abbey finally got her final Masters Standard Q to earn her Masters Agility Dog of Canada (MADC) title. She is now only 4 Q's away from her Trial Champion title and mom seems very excited about that.
On Sunday we all got to go to the trial. I got to play in the Steeplechase, Team and Standard. I had an off course in Steeplechase to keep me out of a Q but I had 2 great contacts and even got the weave entry! I was a butt head again in the Team but what did mom and Andrea expect when they make me stand in a little box while Peso gets to play MY game!? I was lunging back and forth and almost got out of the box while my mom was trying to hold me. When Peso was done, I tried to run over to see them. Both Andrea and mom flipped out and yelled at me! So then I realized it was my turn but I just didn't jump high enough and took the first jump down, then I couldn't wait at the bottom of the frame and went off course :( Sorry Peso! However, on the final run my mom was thrilled with me. I did have a bar down and missed the weave entry but I nailed all my contacts and even stayed for a sec on the start line and listened to her. I love when she is happy...I got tons of belly rubs for that run :)
Morningstar Agility Trial
A few weeks ago we headed to an 3 day weekend of agility in Kingston. It was really cool because it was just my mom, Andrea, Peso, Abbey and I. The first day was all gambles, I did pretty good in the gambles but unfortunately didn't get any Q's. Abbey however did get her first Masters Gamble Q! On Saturday I was still on a high from getting to run gambles that I just couldn't understand why mom wanted me to do the course the way she wanted :( She was very disappointed with me because I let down our teammates Peso and Andrea. Sunday was a much better day for me because mom decided to just work on my start line (I have a hard time staying there when she walks away) so I decided to behave and we had a better day. Abbey got a Masters Team Q and Peso got his final Masters Jumper Q for his Masters Jumper of Canada Title
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Flying through the snow....
Wow, the snow just never ends! I know Mom is dissapointed with the snow storm last weekend because we had to miss the March Deep Freeze Disc trial :( but other than that, I just LOVE the snow.
Mom got a new Nikon D40 camera this week and took a few pics of us flying through the snow :) Thought you would enjoy.

Ripley is a little copy cat...where are his legs anyway?!

OK...you have to admit, my little sister Abbey is the cutest! Look at that drive and determination through the snow. I am thinking she is chasing me when Mom took this picture.

Here is mom Rio flying through the snow at us...she also likes to bark when we are running around :) She is also a "flying red dog" :) See, I come by it naturally, lol.
Mom got a new Nikon D40 camera this week and took a few pics of us flying through the snow :) Thought you would enjoy.
I don't get my "flying red dog" name for nothing. Look at me flying through the snow!

Ripley is a little copy cat...where are his legs anyway?!

OK...you have to admit, my little sister Abbey is the cutest! Look at that drive and determination through the snow. I am thinking she is chasing me when Mom took this picture.
My mom Rio has come to stay with us for a month. Her family have headed south to Florida and since my mom plays disc with Rio, she had come to stay so she could go to the trial. I think Mom and Rio were more upset about missing last weekends disc trial than Dad and I were.

Here is mom Rio flying through the snow at us...she also likes to bark when we are running around :) She is also a "flying red dog" :) See, I come by it naturally, lol.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Tim Horton's Coffee is the best!
The best way to start your morning off is with a good cup of Tim Horton's coffee!!

The best time of year is when Tim Horton's has the "roll up the rim to win" contest. Here is a demo on how to best roll up the rim. I sure hope I win! Don't you think I would look good cruising the streets in a new Toyota Matrix or the waterways in a Bayliner boat?? Ok, a cookie would be tasty too :)
The best time of year is when Tim Horton's has the "roll up the rim to win" contest. Here is a demo on how to best roll up the rim. I sure hope I win! Don't you think I would look good cruising the streets in a new Toyota Matrix or the waterways in a Bayliner boat?? Ok, a cookie would be tasty too :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I LOVE the tire jump!!
Mom and Dad took Abbey and I to an agility trial on Sunday. It has been such a long time since we actually got to compete! (well a month seems a long time to a Border Collie!). I got to go first and did ok in my 2 Advanced Standard runs. In the first course I was blasting along a line heading right for the tunnel. Just before I entered the tunnel I thought I heard my mom yell "chute" but before I could really turn around and check with her...there was the tunnel! Being the big red boy that I am, I just couldn't stop in time and had an off course. The next round I did a superb teeter flyoff, well it wasn't really as good as some of my older day ones but it was still pretty good ;) Mom made me come back and do it again the way "she" likes me to do it so we didn't Q there either.

Abbey then got to do 2 Master Standard runs. She only needs 1 more Q to get her Masters Dog of Canada title so I know my mom was really hoping for a good round. Unfortunately Abbey knocked down a bar (10"...can you believe it?!) so she didn't Q. Mom was really happy with the run otherwise since she said it was VERY hard. I didn't hear Mom say my was VERY hard! hump!
Both Abbey and I got to run in the Steeplechase class. Abbey went off course by going in the wrong tunnel entrance blowing her chances for a Q. When I went in there, I did amazing! Mom kept saying how proud she was of my run. I also had an off course (but it was a long way from the weaves to the frame so I thought maybe taking a jump on the way would be a good thing) but I kept the bars up and listened well.
The last course was jumpers :) It was very close to the Steeplechase round so I was flying. I did knock the first bar down :( so mom knew we weren't Q'ing. She had me do some hard layering stuff and said she was happy with how I handled that. Then for the final portion you went through the tunnel and then over the jump. I guess you were suppose to turn right for the final 2 jumps but glowing right in front of me was the tire jump!! I LOVE the tire jump!! It was only 3 jumps away to get to it...so I took off as fast as I could. Jump, one stride, jump, one stride, jump...just one more stride left to get to the TIRE!! What?! Is that Mom I hear yelling at me?! What is she doing all the way over on the other side of the ring? Aren't we taking the tire jump? :( I guess not. Next time!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bake me a cake as fast as you can......
I know, that doesn't make sense without me telling you the whole story :)
This past weekend we headed west to the February Deep Freeze Disc Series. There was a disc trial on both Sat and Sun. I heard my mom telling my dad that I only needed 2 more Q's and I would get 2 titles! I was pumped and could easily do it but then.....
We get there early Sat morning and all I could think about what was, my tummy is growling! My dad and I go out for our first round and what do I see before me but Flour!! Now, tell me, what is flour used for...that's right, making cakes (see where this is going). So, I just couldn't help myself (remember, my tummy was growling) so I took off on dad to get some flour and planned to come right back. I finally felt a tug on my collar and realized that I forgot about playing. He threw the disc for me and of course I caught it, I am a disc dog you know. That was the practice one so we start the round and I catch the first disc and then on my way back to dad, the flour calls my name..."Baxter, eat me! eat me!"...whats a Border Collie to do? So I start eating some more of the flour real fast, so that I can get back to dad but then the next thing I know, he has me by the collar and we are leaving the ring! What the heck happened, it surely wasn't a minute already? Both mom and dad didn't seem pleased :(
The next round I tried my best to pay attention to dad. Mom had worked me before going in to get my attention and I was ready to play. I just took one quick lick of the flour and then did 3 great catches over 30 yards, yeah! we get a Q. So then dad throws one more in the time allowed but I just missed it off my nose, he seems real happy with me anyway. He calls me to leave the ring and then it hits me...I need to poop! I can't wait, I have to go right now! So I squat and hear all these people calling my name, like can't they wait!?! So I finish my business and man do mom and dad seem annoyed with me. I hear mom say something about not getting the Q, woops. I then hear someone laugh and say that "he was eliminated for eliminating" not really sure what that means but I didn't really think it was funny!
We then head off to play in the hotel for the night. It was a great room with lots of room to run around. I get to lay on the bed and chew on a nice chewie.
Sunday morning we head off to the disc trial. I had every intention of being a good boy this time. I won't eat flour, I won't eat flour...this is what I keep telling myself. So we head into the ring (we are the 3rd team to go) and what is glowing big and white and tasty? right there in front of me! Maybe I can just have a quick lick! ok, that was good, maybe another quick one. Uh oh, here comes dad...look there is another line of flour about 5 yards away, I can get to that one. Lick, lick, lick...oh god this is so good but here comes dad! The 20 yard line looks scrumptious! I run out to that line, it is just perfect! The flour is about 3 inches tall and 3 inches wide...mmmmmmmmm. I run along the line licking staying away from dad. Then I find a huge pile and start to devour it but put my guard down only to realize a minute later that I am being picked up by dad and walked out of the ring! Now, have you ever heard anything so embarrassing in your life? And the judge is over there laughing!! The nerve of the humans in my life. What is a skinny red dog to do?!
For some reason we don't go in for our second round and end up leaving to come home. I felt kind of bad that I didn't get to play/eat another round. I heard dad say that he was really glad we went away for 2 days to get 7 points, woops. Oh well, next time.
This past weekend we headed west to the February Deep Freeze Disc Series. There was a disc trial on both Sat and Sun. I heard my mom telling my dad that I only needed 2 more Q's and I would get 2 titles! I was pumped and could easily do it but then.....
We get there early Sat morning and all I could think about what was, my tummy is growling! My dad and I go out for our first round and what do I see before me but Flour!! Now, tell me, what is flour used for...that's right, making cakes (see where this is going). So, I just couldn't help myself (remember, my tummy was growling) so I took off on dad to get some flour and planned to come right back. I finally felt a tug on my collar and realized that I forgot about playing. He threw the disc for me and of course I caught it, I am a disc dog you know. That was the practice one so we start the round and I catch the first disc and then on my way back to dad, the flour calls my name..."Baxter, eat me! eat me!"...whats a Border Collie to do? So I start eating some more of the flour real fast, so that I can get back to dad but then the next thing I know, he has me by the collar and we are leaving the ring! What the heck happened, it surely wasn't a minute already? Both mom and dad didn't seem pleased :(
The next round I tried my best to pay attention to dad. Mom had worked me before going in to get my attention and I was ready to play. I just took one quick lick of the flour and then did 3 great catches over 30 yards, yeah! we get a Q. So then dad throws one more in the time allowed but I just missed it off my nose, he seems real happy with me anyway. He calls me to leave the ring and then it hits me...I need to poop! I can't wait, I have to go right now! So I squat and hear all these people calling my name, like can't they wait!?! So I finish my business and man do mom and dad seem annoyed with me. I hear mom say something about not getting the Q, woops. I then hear someone laugh and say that "he was eliminated for eliminating" not really sure what that means but I didn't really think it was funny!
We then head off to play in the hotel for the night. It was a great room with lots of room to run around. I get to lay on the bed and chew on a nice chewie.
Sunday morning we head off to the disc trial. I had every intention of being a good boy this time. I won't eat flour, I won't eat flour...this is what I keep telling myself. So we head into the ring (we are the 3rd team to go) and what is glowing big and white and tasty? right there in front of me! Maybe I can just have a quick lick! ok, that was good, maybe another quick one. Uh oh, here comes dad...look there is another line of flour about 5 yards away, I can get to that one. Lick, lick, lick...oh god this is so good but here comes dad! The 20 yard line looks scrumptious! I run out to that line, it is just perfect! The flour is about 3 inches tall and 3 inches wide...mmmmmmmmm. I run along the line licking staying away from dad. Then I find a huge pile and start to devour it but put my guard down only to realize a minute later that I am being picked up by dad and walked out of the ring! Now, have you ever heard anything so embarrassing in your life? And the judge is over there laughing!! The nerve of the humans in my life. What is a skinny red dog to do?!
For some reason we don't go in for our second round and end up leaving to come home. I felt kind of bad that I didn't get to play/eat another round. I heard dad say that he was really glad we went away for 2 days to get 7 points, woops. Oh well, next time.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Border Collies and flyball...
This weekend my breeder Tiffany came to stay at our house because the flyball tournament was fairly close. She brought 3 border collies with her (my mom Rio, my auntie Pipe and Ripley's 1/2 sister Jeepers who is heading to California on Monday to her new home). Wow was it ever fun to have so many BC's around. My mom took a picture of the 3 generations of TNT reds.

Above is: Jeepers (8 week old Flare x Reckon pup), TNT Rio (my mom) and me! Aren't we a great looking group of red dogs? :)
So on Saturday we got up nice and early and I got my first taste of a flyball tournament. Sharkfebst is a NAFA tournament held each Feb in Richmond Hill, ON. I was lucky enough to be allowed to do warm ups as a part of my new team Burnin Rubber.
Above is a picture of me doing the warm up. Grandma Tiff said I looked like a "fixated flyball dog". I am taking that as a compliment :)
For the first race the warm up is used by all the dogs on the team to make sure they are ready to run, so I got to do one recall back to my tug..what a blast that was. I am pretty sure my mom was worried I wouldn't concentrate but I made her very proud. The next time my team was running, just one other dog and I did the warm up so we had more time. This time the team captain told my mom to do 2 box turns and then a recall with me. I was a bit confused and she was rushing so it was a bit of chaos :) I did the recall great though. The team captain Pam told mom to relax and take her time with me so the next time we were up was much better! I did about 4 box turns and a good recall. The final race I got to do the warm up all by myself. We did tons of box turns and then my final recall. Man what a FUN day I had! I can't wait for Wednesday so I can learn more about flyball, I think this is definitely a game I want to play!
I am excited about next weekend, we are off to the 2 day February Deep Freeze Disc Trial! I am hoping that my dad throws the discs well and that I can catch enough to finally get my Advanced Disc Dog title....till next week!
Above is: Jeepers (8 week old Flare x Reckon pup), TNT Rio (my mom) and me! Aren't we a great looking group of red dogs? :)
So on Saturday we got up nice and early and I got my first taste of a flyball tournament. Sharkfebst is a NAFA tournament held each Feb in Richmond Hill, ON. I was lucky enough to be allowed to do warm ups as a part of my new team Burnin Rubber.

For the first race the warm up is used by all the dogs on the team to make sure they are ready to run, so I got to do one recall back to my tug..what a blast that was. I am pretty sure my mom was worried I wouldn't concentrate but I made her very proud. The next time my team was running, just one other dog and I did the warm up so we had more time. This time the team captain told my mom to do 2 box turns and then a recall with me. I was a bit confused and she was rushing so it was a bit of chaos :) I did the recall great though. The team captain Pam told mom to relax and take her time with me so the next time we were up was much better! I did about 4 box turns and a good recall. The final race I got to do the warm up all by myself. We did tons of box turns and then my final recall. Man what a FUN day I had! I can't wait for Wednesday so I can learn more about flyball, I think this is definitely a game I want to play!
I am excited about next weekend, we are off to the 2 day February Deep Freeze Disc Trial! I am hoping that my dad throws the discs well and that I can catch enough to finally get my Advanced Disc Dog title....till next week!
Monday, February 4, 2008
3km walking trail...perfect!
Our friend Martin brought home a new 11 week old red & white Border Collie this past weekend. (everyone wants a red boy like me!) He is pretty cute if I do say so myself, even though I mostly ignore him. He always wants to jump up and lick my face, not sure how much I like that.
I do however like the trail that Martin takes his dog Ginger and puppy Zipper to, and we got to go along today for the 3km walk. We had a total blast, running through the snow and racing each other (Rip and I anyway...Zipper is too slow still, lol)
Here is a picture of the new puppy Zipper:

The worst part is when the humans want us to sit together and pose for the camera. Do you like my cheesy smile...and Zip knew to keep his head away from me!

Here is a pic of Rip and I running along the trail. It was a blast! I am still the fastest boy in the house :)
I do however like the trail that Martin takes his dog Ginger and puppy Zipper to, and we got to go along today for the 3km walk. We had a total blast, running through the snow and racing each other (Rip and I anyway...Zipper is too slow still, lol)
Here is a picture of the new puppy Zipper:
The worst part is when the humans want us to sit together and pose for the camera. Do you like my cheesy smile...and Zip knew to keep his head away from me!
Here is a pic of Rip and I running along the trail. It was a blast! I am still the fastest boy in the house :)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
New Dog Sport in my future?!
So yesterday morning I woke up and did my morning ritual of going outside then coming in to watch out the window for people that actually think it's ok to walk or drive down my street. I usually do that for about half an hour before mom feeds us our "breaky" (Which is one of my favorite times of the day, that and din-din time). Well what a shock I had when breaky was called and I was the only one without a bowl :( What the heck!?!

Mom put the others in their crates and put my leash on me! hmmm, maybe no breaky isn't so bad if I get to go with Mom and I saw her pack mine in a baggy :) woohoo, roadtrip!
So of course I was thinking we were going to agility but imagine my surprise when we get to the hall and we go in...no agility equipment! There are some funny looking small jumps that I have seen the odd time we go to Ottawa and visit Grandma Tiff & Pam and my mom Rio and then go to their flyball practice. Could we be going to flyball practice?!?
Yes, that is exactly what it was. I heard my mom talking to the trainer about coming EVERY Wednesday morning to learn flyball. I was a superstar though and did a great job. We first worked on recall where Morgan (the trainer) held me by my back end and Mom was a bit away from me teasing me with my tuggy. They were both yelling "Ready, on your marks, get set, go" and then my Mom was running down the lane holding my tuggy between the jumps. I totally got it (I have done it before a few times) so I flew down the lane after my tuggy. We did a bunch of those until both Mom and I couldn't breath :) and then we did some turns on a board. I am awesome at those too because it is like when I jump back onto the A-frame contact :) We then did ball work and then they stuck the ball on the board. I actually did a turn, grabbed the ball and flew back for my tug. Morgan and Mom seemed very pleased with me and I had a BLAST!
Last night Mom told me that I am going to get to do warm-ups (which is like the recall today) at a flyball tournament next weekend! Grandma Tiff's & Pam's flyball team has asked us to join! My mom Rio, Auntie Piper, sister Brie, 1/2 sister Flare (Ripley's mom) and nephew Smash (Ripley's brother) play on the team. Wow, things sure do happen fast. I will let you know how that goes.
Mom put the others in their crates and put my leash on me! hmmm, maybe no breaky isn't so bad if I get to go with Mom and I saw her pack mine in a baggy :) woohoo, roadtrip!
So of course I was thinking we were going to agility but imagine my surprise when we get to the hall and we go in...no agility equipment! There are some funny looking small jumps that I have seen the odd time we go to Ottawa and visit Grandma Tiff & Pam and my mom Rio and then go to their flyball practice. Could we be going to flyball practice?!?
Yes, that is exactly what it was. I heard my mom talking to the trainer about coming EVERY Wednesday morning to learn flyball. I was a superstar though and did a great job. We first worked on recall where Morgan (the trainer) held me by my back end and Mom was a bit away from me teasing me with my tuggy. They were both yelling "Ready, on your marks, get set, go" and then my Mom was running down the lane holding my tuggy between the jumps. I totally got it (I have done it before a few times) so I flew down the lane after my tuggy. We did a bunch of those until both Mom and I couldn't breath :) and then we did some turns on a board. I am awesome at those too because it is like when I jump back onto the A-frame contact :) We then did ball work and then they stuck the ball on the board. I actually did a turn, grabbed the ball and flew back for my tug. Morgan and Mom seemed very pleased with me and I had a BLAST!
Last night Mom told me that I am going to get to do warm-ups (which is like the recall today) at a flyball tournament next weekend! Grandma Tiff's & Pam's flyball team has asked us to join! My mom Rio, Auntie Piper, sister Brie, 1/2 sister Flare (Ripley's mom) and nephew Smash (Ripley's brother) play on the team. Wow, things sure do happen fast. I will let you know how that goes.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Too FAST?!?!
Well I had a great time at the Royacker's AAC Agility trial on Saturday. I even made my mom eat her words about Snooker...she hoped I would get to do more than 2 obstacles and I got to do 4!! OK, so that still didn't give us a Q and I didn't listen to mom when she told me to come but at least I got to do the tire jump! That is my favorite piece of agility equipment. I can get to the tire from anywhere if I try!! :) So I came home without any Q's but mom was very happy with my contacts. She says I need to work on my start lines but I can't help myself, I am just so excited. She also says I am going "TOO FAST"?!?! How can a dog go too fast?
Peso's friend Patrick came to watch and took lots of video for us. You see if you think I go too fast.
This is me in Advanced Jumpers:
This is me in Steeplechase:
This is me in Advanced Standard: (I didn't even need mom for the first half)
Unfortunately Abbey didn't get her last Masters Standard Q (she got sucked into taking the frame instead of the tunnel...silly terrier!) So I heard my mom say that we will be going to the Acton Agility trial on Feb 8th, can't wait!!
Peso's friend Patrick came to watch and took lots of video for us. You see if you think I go too fast.
This is me in Advanced Jumpers:
This is me in Steeplechase:
This is me in Advanced Standard: (I didn't even need mom for the first half)
Unfortunately Abbey didn't get her last Masters Standard Q (she got sucked into taking the frame instead of the tunnel...silly terrier!) So I heard my mom say that we will be going to the Acton Agility trial on Feb 8th, can't wait!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Fun with Dante
Last Sunday my mom and I got the opportunity to do a private agility lesson with Dante Camacho, a Brazilian Agility Team Member. We shared the 2hrs with my doggie friend Peso and his mom Andrea. My mom learned to use a different method of handling that actually works for me better, I can now see when she wants me to turn into her rather than keep on running (which is my favorite thing to do, lol) Dante even took over and did some jump work with me.
Here is me with my mom:
This is me with Dante:
Tomorrow we are off to Guelph for an AAC agility trial. My mom keeps saying she entered me in the Advanced Snooker class and that she hopes I get more than 2 obstacles before we get blown off...how rude! What a stupid game it is anyway. She says we have to play it go get a Q someday :( I am also in an Advanced Jumpers and an Advanced Standard. I will update my blog on Sunday to let you know how it went. My sister Abbey is doing a Master Standard (she only needs 1 more for her Masters Dog of Canada Title, so we all have our paws crossed for her) and a Masters Gamble.
Here is me with my mom:
This is me with Dante:
Tomorrow we are off to Guelph for an AAC agility trial. My mom keeps saying she entered me in the Advanced Snooker class and that she hopes I get more than 2 obstacles before we get blown off...how rude! What a stupid game it is anyway. She says we have to play it go get a Q someday :( I am also in an Advanced Jumpers and an Advanced Standard. I will update my blog on Sunday to let you know how it went. My sister Abbey is doing a Master Standard (she only needs 1 more for her Masters Dog of Canada Title, so we all have our paws crossed for her) and a Masters Gamble.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Two Handsome Border Collies!
My favorite photographer, Laura Campbell, was at the disc trial yesterday. She was taking pics with the proceeds to help support the Agility Association of Canada's Canadian Agility Team heading to Belgium in May for the IFSC World Championships. (my 1/2 brother Fly and my "grandma" Tiffany (who is my breeder) are on the team!)
Mom wanted to support the team so she had Laura take a bunch of pictures of Ripley and I. They turned out great but of course, how could they not when we are so handsome! I thought the world might like to see the best looking red & white and black & white border collies:
Look at us handsome boys!

Mom wanted to support the team so she had Laura take a bunch of pictures of Ripley and I. They turned out great but of course, how could they not when we are so handsome! I thought the world might like to see the best looking red & white and black & white border collies:

What is that noise you are making?!?

They made Ripley stand on a rock to pose but I was smart enough not to do that!! you could fall off!!

OK, but a picnic table is fine....food could have been on there! Plus it reminded me of the agility table, lol.

What a copy-cat Ripley is, getting on the picnic table. (But between you and I, he is a pretty handsome boy!)
January's "Deep Freeze" Disc Trial
Well we headed west on a 2 1/2hr drive yesterday so that my dad and I could compete in the January Deep Freeze Disc trial. I would love to say that I got another Advanced Q but I have to hang my head and admit it didn't happen. Now having said that, I do have an excuse (or at least I think I do). My dad always takes a practice throw and so he threw it real far over the 30 yard line very close to the wall. I caught the disc and then all of a sudden...I hear a scurrying noise coming from the wall! Now what is a boy to do, I had to go check out what critter is living in the wall. My dad had to come down and grab me to bring me back into the reality that we were playing disc. I came back and we started our official round. It was good at first, the first throw I tracked and caught around the 35 yard mark but then I just don't know. Then next 3 I tracked, jumped, caught them in my mouth and then I just couldn't hold on. The disc was cold, maybe that was it...or was I thinking about that critter...not really sure what it was.
The next round was better, I was on my game! The first throw over the 30 but then dad messed up (ok, so he did 5 in a row over the 30) but his next throw was about 28 yard :( We missed the Q by just 2 yards. I caught the next one but that wasn't enough. My dad and mom still said I was a good boy and gave me tons of treats and attention....a good day in all.
Here is me catching the disc, what style I have (oh and did I mention that I love to look at the cameraman? You don't want to have a bad pic so you have to pose)
The next round was better, I was on my game! The first throw over the 30 but then dad messed up (ok, so he did 5 in a row over the 30) but his next throw was about 28 yard :( We missed the Q by just 2 yards. I caught the next one but that wasn't enough. My dad and mom still said I was a good boy and gave me tons of treats and attention....a good day in all.
Here is me catching the disc, what style I have (oh and did I mention that I love to look at the cameraman? You don't want to have a bad pic so you have to pose)

Saturday, January 12, 2008
One tired border collie...
Man am I ever tired! I didn't get much sleep last night. It all started 2 nights ago when my mom put us in our crates for the night. For some reason, I just don't want to be in my crate. I have always been such a good boy who has loved sleeping on his back in his crate at night. But I have just decided that I need to be with my mom on the bed! So two nights ago I screamed my head off about 2 minutes after she closed the door. She came right back down and let us all out thinking maybe we needed to go outside...silly mom. So I just ran to the gate leading up to the bedroom :) She let us all outside again, we all came in and got another cookie to go back in our crates, hehe. I gave her about 2 minutes again to get upstairs when I started to scream again (and trust me, I can scream!) She came down and let me out and up to bed we went!! Score!
So we had a nice night sleeping together, I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. The problem is, she seemed to have caught on and last night she just ignored my screams! She came the first time and told me to lay down and be quiet, so I did. I must have dosed so when I woke again an hour later, I tried again! Scream, scream, scream!! She came down again and just told me to lay down. I tried it every hour and still, no luck. hmmmm...what should I do tonight. I will let you know what I decide :)

Even though I made everyone tired, we headed out for our huge Saturday walk to the park to play frisbee. We walked for about an hour and then headed for the ball diamond where they throw me my disc. My brother Rip came along too but he won't try to catch the disc unless my mom is holding me or feeding me, he knows better. He is kind of a pain though because he herds me and gets in my way running to the disc. I caught tons of them and let Rip catch a few. We were both so tired that we headed home. I think I will head to my favorite spot for a sleep :)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Welcome to my blog...
I am so excited, I have my own blog! When my friends find out they will be jealous because I also have my own agility school (I am the one on the logo...that makes it mine right?) and they are jealous about that ;) It must be because I am a star!
I will write about my training and competition in agility and disc dog so check back often to find out what's happening. I might let my brother Ripley, or Rip as we call him, post sometimes too (aren't I the nicest border collie you ever met?!)
I will write about my training and competition in agility and disc dog so check back often to find out what's happening. I might let my brother Ripley, or Rip as we call him, post sometimes too (aren't I the nicest border collie you ever met?!)
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